Australia : $207.6 Million Green Hydrogen Hub Approved for Hunter Valley

The New South Wales (NSW) government has granted $207.6 million in funding to the Hunter Valley Hydrogen Hub project, marking a significant milestone in the region’s green energy transition.

The funding comes as a joint effort between the NSW and Commonwealth Departments of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water.

Origin Future Fuels will spearhead the project on Kooragang Island, with construction slated to begin in mid-2025. The hub aims to accelerate the growth of the green hydrogen industry in the Hunter Valley, starting with 55 megawatts of electrolyser capacity by 2026 and scaling up to over 1 gigawatt within a decade.

The project’s primary objective is to decarbonize industrial processes. Most of the hydrogen produced will supply Orica’s nearby ammonium nitrate plant, slashing its greenhouse gas emissions by over 52,000 tonnes annually. Additionally, the project will create approximately 160 jobs during construction and 10 permanent roles thereafter.

Minister for Climate Change and the Environment Penny Sharpe hailed the project as a “regional cornerstone of the hydrogen industry,” accelerating NSW’s shift to clean technologies and net-zero emissions.

Minister for the Hunter Yasmin Catley emphasized the project’s potential to revitalize the region’s economy, stating that it offers an opportunity to “bring back work lost when the former government shipped manufacturing jobs offshore.”

Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon praised the $70 million investment from the Commonwealth Government and the project’s significance in Australia’s transition to net-zero emissions.

The approval of the Hunter Valley Hydrogen Hub signals a major step toward a sustainable and resilient energy future for New South Wales. This project exemplifies how government-industry collaboration can drive innovation, economic growth, and environmental responsibility.

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