2Africa Cable’s First Phase Goes Live: A Boost for African Connectivity

The era of poor internet connectivity in Africa may be drawing to a close with the activation of cutting-edge subsea cables.

The ambitious 2Africa project, designed to span three continents and reach 1.3 billion people, marks a significant stride in this direction.

As the world’s longest subsea cable, the 2Africa project aims to interconnect Africa, Europe, and Asia. This ambitious infrastructure will not only bring high-speed internet to remote regions of Africa but also accelerate the adoption of 4G and 5G technologies.

Hot on the heels of Google’s announcement of its first undersea fiber optic cable connecting Africa to Australia, Airtel Telesonic, the wholesale arm of Airtel Africa, activated the initial phase of the 2Africa cable.

This milestone significantly enhances internet connectivity across Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa.

Airtel Telesonic partnered with Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN), a renowned specialist in underwater cable technology, to achieve this feat.

The collaboration enabled Airtel to incorporate 16 pairs of advanced optical fibers into the cable’s design.

The 2Africa cable project is the result of a collaborative effort between eight leading companies: Bayobab, MTN, Center3, China Mobile International, Meta, Orange, Telecom Egypt, Vodafone Group, and WIOCC.

Measuring an impressive 45,000 kilometers, the 2Africa cable is the world’s longest subsea cable. It will connect 33 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia, with landing points in 46 locations.

The cable boasts an exceptional capacity of up to 180Tbps, promising to revolutionize internet connectivity for millions.

Recent disruptions to internet connectivity in parts of Africa due to subsea cable cuts have underscored the importance of robust infrastructure.

The 2Africa cable project represents a significant step towards ensuring more reliable and resilient internet access for the continent.

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