In a significant move to expand the availability of its data, the IEA has upgraded the Countries and Regions section of its website.
This enhancement includes a wide range of statistics and information at global, regional, and national levels, making it easier for users to access crucial energy data.
Responding to Member Country Mandates
The revamped country pages demonstrate the IEA’s commitment to fulfilling mandates from its member countries regarding free and accessible data.
Established in 1974 to promote energy security and provide authoritative analysis and policy guidance, the IEA recognizes the central role of energy statistics in its work. The upgraded pages are part of the Agency’s efforts to equip policymakers and stakeholders with timely and valuable data to inform decision-making.
Comprehensive Country and Region Pages
The Countries section of the website now boasts 172 regional and country-level pages. These pages offer a current snapshot of the energy system, showcasing recent trends in the energy mix, CO2 emissions, renewables deployment, energy efficiency, and the production, trade, and consumption of electricity, oil, biofuels, gas, and coal.
The sections are designed with interactivity to guide users through energy flows and balances.
Importance of Reliable Energy Data
Reliable and timely energy data and statistics are indispensable for developing effective and efficient energy policies. They also play a crucial role in long-term planning for energy sector investments.
The IEA Energy Data Centre serves as the world’s most authoritative and comprehensive source of global energy data, focusing on quality, comparability, and adherence to internationally agreed definitions and methodologies.
The upgraded country and region pages contribute to the IEA’s ongoing mission to make this vital data freely available, accessible, and usable online.
Promoting Good Policy Through Good Data
“Good policy stems first and foremost from good data,” remarked IEA Chief Statistician Nick Johnstone. “For 50 years, the IEA has been providing countries with the necessary data to design, implement, and evaluate their energy policies.
With the profound and rapid changes occurring in energy markets and systems worldwide, the value of high-quality data is constantly increasing, and the IEA is keeping pace with these needs.
The country and region pages are just one example of our ongoing strategy to make our data freely accessible to the widest possible range of users.”
Aligning with Energy Policy Reviews
The pages also reflect the Agency’s dedication to offering timely, valuable, and impactful advice to governments worldwide.
The IEA conducts comprehensive reviews of member countries’ energy policies in a periodic cycle, and less frequently for partner and other countries.
These reviews utilize the IEA’s world-class energy data as the foundation for their analysis, with recommendations aimed at guiding countries’ energy transitions and promoting energy security.
Streamlined Review Process
In 2024, in collaboration with member countries, the review process was streamlined and modernized to enhance the value and impact of Energy Policy Reviews.
The new Energy Policy Review is tailored to individual country needs and priorities, providing high-quality advice on policy development in focus areas. The review also emphasizes best practices to encourage knowledge sharing and the adoption of successful policies.
The updated Countries section of the website complements the policy highlights and recommendations in the new Energy Policy Reviews with interactive and up-to-date information on energy systems.