China Begins Construction on New Nuclear Units at Ningde and Shidaowan Plants | Hualong One & CAP1000 Reactors

The initial pouring of concrete has been officially announced for both Unit 5 at the Ningde nuclear power plant in Fujian Province and Unit 1 at the Shidaowan facility in Shandong Province. Each of these units will be equipped with Hualong One reactors.

The development of Ningde Units 5 and 6 and Shidaowan Units 1 and 2, along with Units 1 and 2 of the Xudabao plant in Liaoning Province, received the green light from China’s State Council on July 31 of the previous year.

China General Nuclear (CGN) reported that the first concrete for the nuclear island of Ningde Unit 5 was poured at 10:58 AM on July 28, marking the official commencement of the primary construction phase for this Hualong One unit. This milestone also signifies the full initiation of the second phase of the Ningde nuclear power project.

Work starts on Ningde unit 5. Image Credit: CGN

CGN highlighted that the Ningde plant is the inaugural nuclear power facility established and operational in Fujian Province. Currently, it consists of four CPR-1000 reactors, each with a capacity of 1018 MWe, which began commercial operations between April 2013 and July 2016.

“The advancement of Units 5 and 6 in Phase II of the Ningde Nuclear Power Project will further elevate the share of clean energy in Fujian Province and provide robust support for the province’s economic and social growth,” remarked Tian Huiyu, General Manager of Fujian Ningde Nuclear Power Company Limited.

China Huaneng also announced that the first concrete was poured for the nuclear island of Unit 1 at the Shidaowan plant on July 28. This unit represents the company’s “first fully independently constructed large-scale pressurised water reactor nuclear power project.”

First concrete is poured for Shidaowan 1. Image Credit: China Huaneng

The Shidaowan site is already home to the demonstration High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor-Pebble-bed Module (HTR-PM), which commenced commercial operations in early December of the previous year.

This reactor consists of two smaller reactors driving a single 210 MWe turbine. It is owned by a consortium led by China Huaneng (47.5%), with China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) subsidiary China Nuclear Engineering Corporation (32.5%), and Tsinghua University’s Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (20%), which leads in research and development.

China Huaneng indicated that the construction of Shidaowan Unit 1 Hualong One signifies that Huaneng Shidaowan has evolved into a nuclear power hub utilizing both the latest third-generation independent nuclear power technology and advanced fourth-generation technology.

China Huaneng plans to build four Hualong One reactors at Shidaowan in two phases, with a total installed capacity of 4.8 GWe. The initial two units are expected to be completed and operational by 2029.

“Upon completion, this project will deliver approximately 20 billion kilowatt-hours of clean electricity annually to Shandong, reduce the consumption of 5.78 million tonnes of standard coal, and cut carbon dioxide emissions by 14 million tonnes, sulfur dioxide by 45,000 tonnes, and nitrogen oxides by 40,000 tonnes,” the company noted.

Construction for the nuclear island of Unit 1 at China National Nuclear Corporation’s Xudabao plant began in November 2023, with the first concrete for Unit 2 being poured earlier this month. These units will be equipped with CAP1000 reactors, the Chinese adaptation of the Westinghouse AP1000.

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