Uniper Expands Green Portfolio

Uniper has significantly advanced its decarbonization efforts by becoming the first shipper to utilize the BioLNG production capacity at the Gate terminal in Rotterdam.

This development marks a pivotal step in converting biomethane into BioLNG, reinforcing Uniper’s commitment to a sustainable future.

“We are excited to be able to take another step towards a greener future. The decarbonization of the market for marine and truck fuels will require the use of several low to zero-carbon fuels.

BioLNG is among the most important ones,” said Carsten Poppinga, Chief Commercial Officer of Uniper. He highlighted that BioLNG will play a crucial role in meeting the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) emission reduction targets for seagoing vessels, including Uniper’s LNG fleet.

“It is great that once again we are able to generate incremental value out of our Gate terminal asset,” he added.

The BioLNG produced at the Gate terminal has been certified under the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) scheme.

The process begins with biogas production in an EU member state. This biogas is upgraded to biomethane by removing impurities such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide before being fed into the Dutch natural gas grid.

At the Gate exit point, the LNG terminal then takes over the biomethane and liquefies it using the terminal’s existing infrastructure. The liquefier has a capacity of about 100,000 tons per year, which can be utilized by existing shippers.

This initiative is a significant step in developing a fully integrated biomethane-BioLNG supply chain within Uniper.

It aims to increase the value of the Gate asset and further reduce emissions across Uniper’s portfolio. By enhancing this supply chain, Uniper continues to position itself at the forefront of the green energy transition, supporting both environmental goals and economic growth.

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