PLN Indonesia Power Exceeds 2023 Goals with Record Electricity Generation and Improved Capacity

PLN Indonesia Power, a subsidiary of PT PLN (Persero), has reported a successful year in 2023, surpassing its targets for electricity production and sales.

The company generated an impressive 84,572 Gigawatt hours (GWh) of electricity, exceeding its target of 78,735 GWh. In terms of sales, PLN Indonesia Power also achieved a notable figure of 79,989 GWh, surpassing the initial target of 74,404 GWh.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo commended the company’s accomplishments, highlighting the ongoing efforts to enhance the generation system through streamlined business processes.

The ultimate aim is to ensure a consistent and affordable electricity supply for all communities.

Further elaborating on the company’s operational achievements, PLN Indonesia Power President Director Edwin Nugraha Putra revealed that the Equivalent Forced Outage Rate (EFOR) for the PLTU Luar Jawa Bali power plant outperformed expectations, reaching 13.44% compared to the target of 14.94%.

The Java Bali Non-PLTU Power Plant also exhibited an impressive EFOR of 0.77%, surpassing its target of 0.94%.

PLN Indonesia Power has demonstrated a strong commitment to renewable energy, generating 10,175.63 GWh of electricity from clean sources such as hydroelectric, geothermal, biogas, and biomass.

Hydropower played a major role, contributing 5,299.15 GWh. This focus on clean energy aligns with the company’s ambition to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.

Additionally, the company has made strides in improving the efficiency of coal-fired power plants. Through its PLTU co-firing program, PLN Indonesia Power generated 509.8 GWh of clean electricity, exceeding the target of 252 GWh.

In closing, Edwin reiterated the company’s dedication to optimizing performance and efficiency within the generation sector. “We are committed to ensuring that electricity supply remains uninterrupted and meets the needs of our communities,” he stated.

This strong performance from PLN Indonesia Power underlines its commitment to both operational excellence and sustainable practices, making a valuable contribution to Indonesia’s broader energy goals.

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