Beca’s Digital Approach to Carbon Charting Transforms Australia’s Infrastructure

The imperative for rapid decarbonization resonates globally, driven by alarming planetary indicators signaling an impending ecological crisis.

Australia has responded by setting clear net-zero targets and implementing measures to ensure a successful carbon transition.

Accounting for 18% of Australia’s gross emissions, the construction sector is a major contributor to the nation’s carbon footprint. This necessitates a smarter approach to the design, construction, and operation of buildings, roads, bridges, schools, and rail corridors.

Beca firmly believes that digital tools and processes can significantly accelerate the reduction of both embedded and operational carbon in infrastructure projects. This approach aligns with the increasing demand for sustainable solutions in the construction industry.

Beca has pioneered a unique, digital-forward methodology that seamlessly links and embeds operational carbon data into the infrastructure it plans, builds, and operates. This enables informed decision-making regarding the long-term sustainability impacts of assets throughout the built environment.

With mandatory climate reporting slated to begin in July of this year, organizations are facing new sustainability obligations with significant legal and financial ramifications. This regulatory shift further underscores the urgency for adopting sustainable practices.

These new obligations complement the targets outlined in each state and territory’s climate change action plans. These plans are a direct response to Australia’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

Victoria, for example, has legislated a net-zero emissions target and outlined stepped reduction targets to reach 80% by 2035.

Beca’s approach involves quantifying emissions produced during the design phase, which poses a challenge due to the diverse tools used in construction. The workflow utilizes a data-enriched 3D model detailing materials and quantities.

Emissions are then automatically calculated from a comprehensive life cycle database, and the results are mapped back to the design environment. This creates a feedback loop that empowers stakeholders to make informed decisions for sustainable outcomes.

By facilitating smart and sustainable decision-making, Beca assists clients in achieving optimal outcomes through the development of eco-friendly design options and material selection.

A notable example is Beca’s recent design of a low-carbon bridge in Australia using high-strength concrete. Although this concrete is inherently higher in carbon emissions, the redesign significantly reduced the quantity of concrete and other materials required, resulting in a bridge with a lower overall carbon impact.

Beca’s sophisticated solution extends beyond industry standards by assessing not only carbon emissions but also the impact on all nine Planetary Boundaries.

By calculating the societal cost for each boundary and asset, Beca provides a comprehensive understanding of the environmental and social implications of projects. The company leverages innovative technology to integrate multiple data sources, quantifying the impact across nine environmental indicators and demonstrating the effects of design modifications.

Beca’s extensive experience across the construction sector enables them to create guidelines and carbon budgets, ensuring projects achieve optimal sustainability outcomes at every stage. This expertise also informs the development of standard benchmarks to guide regulators in establishing realistic pathways toward a carbon-neutral future.

By making carbon charting tangible for clients, Beca empowers them to meet mandated targets and, in many cases, exceed them. Engaging clients early in design discussions, even on projects where carbon reporting is not yet mandatory, helps to prevent “greenwashing” in the future. This early engagement demonstrates a genuine commitment to sustainability over multiple projects.

Beca’s unique approach to carbon charting and design optimization is just one facet of their comprehensive strategy to support clients in their decarbonization efforts. By offering a holistic suite of services and solutions, Beca is at the forefront of driving sustainable practices in the construction industry.

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