Contract Awarded for BN-1200 Fast Sodium Reactor Design

JSC Atomenergoproekt and Rosenergoatom, the engineering and power plant operation divisions of Russia’s state nuclear corporation Rosatom, have signed a contract to develop the design documentation for the construction of the BN-1200 fast sodium reactor.

The contract covers the full cycle of design and survey work, encompassing the development of design documentation and materials needed to justify the construction license for the reactor.

This reactor will be built as unit 5 of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant located in Russia’s Sverdlovsk region.

Currently, comprehensive engineering surveys are underway as one of the initial design phases. These surveys will examine natural conditions and man-made factors to develop design documentation and assess the project’s environmental impact.

The surveys will be conducted on a 620,000 square meter site.

By the end of 2024, the general designer will have produced design documentation for the preparatory period works, allowing the general contractor, JSC Atomstroyexport, to begin preparatory construction work as early as 2025.

The design documentation for the main construction stage will be submitted for approval to the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant by the end of 2025.

In 2026, a state examination of the design documentation is scheduled, followed by an application to the Russian nuclear regulator for a construction license for Beloyarsk unit 5.

Rosenergoatom has set the pouring of the first concrete for the reactor for June 2027.

The sodium-cooled BN-series fast reactor design is a key component of Rosatom’s project to develop fast reactors with a closed fuel cycle. These reactors use mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel, which can be reprocessed and recycled.

In addition to the BN-600 reactor that has been operating since 1980, the 789 MWe BN-800 fast reactor at Beloyarsk unit 4 started commercial operation in October 2016.

This BN-800 reactor serves as a demonstration unit for fuel and design features for the larger BN-1200, planned for Beloyarsk unit 5.

Rosatom states that the BN-1200 power unit will have a service life of at least 60 years. Its design utilizes technical solutions that have proven effective in the operation of the BN-600 and BN-800 reactors.

The structural materials and fuel for the BN-1200 are justified based on the operational experience of the BN-600.

Rosatom also highlights several innovations in the BN-1200 design:

  • Four loops for liquid sodium circulation instead of three, enhancing cooling efficiency.
  • Increased in-reactor storage capacity for direct fuel assembly unloading into the used fuel pool, eliminating an intermediate step.
  • Turbine condensers cooled using a chimney-type evaporative cooling tower for improved efficiency.

Beloyarsk NPP Director Ivan Sidorov emphasizes Rosatom’s progress in Generation IV reactor technology and highlights the BN-1200’s role as the lead model for serial power units with a closed nuclear fuel cycle.

He states that the new technological solutions enable full utilization of uranium resources while achieving a new level of safety.

Alexander Yashkin, director for the Design of Advanced NPPs and Special Facilities, underscores Rosatom’s global leadership in fast reactor technology and the BN-1200’s significance as a Generation IV project advancing the closed nuclear fuel cycle.

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