Nearly 20,000 New Employees to Join EDF Group in 2024

On Thursday, May 23, from the Nogent-Sur-Seine Nuclear Power Plant, EDF Group announced its ambition to welcome nearly 20,000 new employees in 2024, including full-time positions, apprentices, and interns.

EDF Group plays a crucial role in the energy transition, especially with the revival of the nuclear energy program and the development of renewable energies, including hydropower.

To meet these significant challenges, we need a substantial number of skilled individuals. For context, the Group hired 15,000 people in full-time positions worldwide in 2023, with 10,000 of those in France. Caroline Chanavas, the Group’s Head of Human Resources, stated that they would maintain this recruitment volume in the coming years.

“The Group will hire around 4,500 full-time employees in the nuclear sector in France, up to 1,000 employees in renewables (hydropower, solar, and wind), 3,000 in energy services, mainly at Dalkia, and 1,500 in grid-related jobs at Enedis. We are looking for diverse profiles: 15% with a vocational high school diploma, 45% with a two or three-year higher education degree, and 40% from engineering schools or universities,” announced Caroline.

Additionally, 4,500 apprentices and 5,000 interns will form our primary pool of candidates for future full-time positions in technical fields. Besides new graduates, we are seeking experienced individuals in all technical domains.

To this end, we are working with the Ministry of Education to develop specific teaching options related to nuclear and network careers in about a hundred schools, asserts Caroline.

To promote our careers, we also rely on our employee ambassadors’ engagement. Nearly 3,500 of them advocate for energy careers in schools. We aim to diversify profiles and attract more young women to technical roles. In fact, the percentage of women recruited at EDF SA has increased from 25% to 30% over the past two years.

Among our strengths are training programs to acquire and consolidate skills and varied career paths throughout employees’ careers, whether experienced or not at the time of hiring. Present in all regions, we strive to raise awareness about our company and careers where we are established, inspiring those who wish to join the energy transition journey that we passionately lead.

These new collaborators will strengthen the EDF group’s workforce of 179,000 employees committed to building a CO2-neutral energy future, balancing planet preservation, well-being, and development through electricity, as well as innovative solutions and services.

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