Fugro Concludes Extensive Survey for Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind

Fugro, a leading offshore survey company, has successfully finished four years of continuous survey operations for Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, a U.S.-based offshore wind developer.

This extensive undertaking involved the site assessment of five projects spanning three lease areas in New Jersey and New York, covering a total area of 1000 km2.

In collaboration with Atlantic Shores, Fugro spearheaded a novel data collection and management approach, resulting in a remarkable 30% increase in survey efficiency.

This breakthrough played a crucial role in securing the recent federal approval for Atlantic Shores South, an offshore wind project poised to deliver 2800 MW of clean energy to New Jersey.

Traditionally, offshore wind site assessments necessitate multiple independent campaigns to gather diverse data, including oceanographic, seabed, soil, and habitat information.

Fugro revolutionized this process by consolidating these endeavors into a single, streamlined program aligned with Atlantic Shores’ portfolio strategy.

To effectively handle the massive volumes of data (exceeding 100 TB) generated by this integrated approach, Fugro and Atlantic Shores collaborated to develop Fugro VirGeo®. This cloud-based platform offers real-time project information to internal stakeholders, enabling faster decision-making both on-site and in the office.

Furthermore, the platform facilitated the submission of the first-ever digital deliverables to federal regulators, complementing the thousands of pages of reports traditionally required for permitting.

This move toward digital deliverables aims to enhance transparency, foster public trust, and expedite the development timeline through more efficient regulatory reviews.

These are crucial steps in achieving the ambitious national goal of deploying 30 GW of offshore wind energy by 2030.

Joris Veldhoven, CEO of Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind, expressed pride in the enduring partnership and commitment to advancing New Jersey’s inaugural offshore wind project, highlighting the shared values between Fugro and Atlantic Shores.

He commended the tireless efforts of their teams in ensuring the accuracy of data for safe and responsible project development.

The partnership has yielded industry innovations, advancements, and best practices that are shaping the trajectory of clean energy delivery for the present and future generations.

Céline Gerson, Fugro’s President and Group Director in the Americas, emphasized the need for companies to lead by example in the energy transition by adopting smarter and faster work practices while upholding the highest standards of accuracy and safety.

She praised Atlantic Shores for embodying these qualities and expressed enthusiasm for the future collaboration in accelerating offshore wind development and increasing renewable energy in the US.

Throughout the four-year field program, Fugro successfully adhered to Atlantic Shores’ stringent ‘Goal Zero’ safety standard, prioritizing the safety of personnel and the environment.

This accomplishment was made possible by the safety excellence of Fugro’s team and their subcontractors, Alpine and S.T. Hudson Engineers. These local survey companies contributed to the project, aligning with Atlantic Shores’ commitment to job creation in New Jersey.

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