German Companies Unite to Build 126 MWp Solar Power Plant in Reppichau

Meistro Energie GmbH, ISM Group, and Wimex have united their capabilities to construct a substantial solar power plant boasting a projected capacity of 126 MWp in Reppichau village, located within the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district of Saxony-Anhalt.

Wimex has played a pivotal role by securing a considerable portion of the land required for the Reppichau energy park. Meanwhile, ISM Group will assume responsibility for the comprehensive development, construction, and operation of the facility.

Meistro Energie GmbH will focus on the crucial task of managing the marketing and distribution of power generated by the plant.

The ambitious project encompasses the construction of a new substation, with a targeted completion date set for the latter half of 2025. This collaborative effort has culminated in the formation of Energiepark Reppichau GmbH & Co KG, the designated project company actively pursuing further initiatives within the region.

This partnership exemplifies a resolute commitment to the advancement of renewable energy infrastructure throughout Germany. By combining their expertise across diverse sectors, these companies are poised to expand sustainable energy solutions not only in Saxony-Anhalt but also on a broader scale.

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