IAEA Chief Aims to “Restart Cooperation” with North Korea

Rafael Grossi, the director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), expressed his desire to re-establish contact with North Korea in a recent interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia.

Grossi emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety of North Korea’s nuclear facilities and expressed optimism about restarting cooperation with the country.

The IAEA’s experts, who had been conducting regular visits to North Korea since 1992, were expelled from the country in April 2009.

That same month, Pyongyang withdrew from international negotiations regarding its nuclear program, which had begun in 2003. Shortly after, North Korea conducted its second nuclear weapons test.

Grossi acknowledged the past challenges but expressed hope for renewed engagement with North Korea, particularly in the realm of nuclear safety.

He highlighted the country’s ambitious nuclear program, which includes fuel production, uranium processing, reprocessing, and nuclear reactors.

While not directly addressing nuclear weapons, Grossi emphasized the vast number of nuclear facilities in North Korea that remain unmonitored.

The IAEA chief voiced concerns about the lack of oversight regarding North Korea’s adherence to minimum safety standards.

He proposed a forward-looking approach, acknowledging the country’s nuclear program while emphasizing the importance of addressing practical safety concerns.

Grossi also cautioned against repeating past mistakes in dealing with the Iranian nuclear issue, drawing parallels with the failed efforts to engage with North Korea over the years.

He stressed the need for a different approach to avoid a similar outcome.

In recent years, North Korea has further isolated itself from the international community, severing ties with South Korea and conducting numerous tests of weapons prohibited by UN resolutions.

However, the country has simultaneously strengthened its ties with Russia and China, raising concerns about regional stability.

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