Italy to Invest Over $1 Billion in Africa’s Development in 2024

The Italian institution responsible for fostering sustainable development in Italy and its partner countries is prioritizing investments in energy, sustainable infrastructure, food security, and climate change mitigation.

The Italian development bank, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), plans to mobilize over $1 billion in financing for projects in Africa in 2024, as reported by the Italian news agency Agenzia Nova on Wednesday, July 31st, citing the institution’s CEO.

“In 2024, we will surpass one billion dollars in financing for Africa for the first time,” stated Dario Scannapieco (photo) during a hearing before the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

“Italy is very well positioned to strengthen cooperation with African countries in a mutually beneficial way,” he added, pointing out that Africa has numerous assets, including abundant natural resources, great potential for renewable energy, strong demographic growth, a young workforce, and a rapid urbanization process.

Scannapieco also revealed that the priority sectors for CDP are energy, sustainable infrastructure, food security, and climate protection.

He further disclosed that the Italian financial institution for international development cooperation plans to open two offices in sub-Saharan Africa.

“One of these offices should be located in Abidjan, given the very close relationship with the African Development Bank, and the other could be established in Kenya, where there are many investment opportunities,” he specified.

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