Kuwait Secures 500MW of Electricity via GCC Interconnection Authority

Kuwait signed agreements to purchase 500 megawatts (MW) of electricity on Sunday through the Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnection Authority (GCCIA).

The agreements cover 300 MW from Oman and 200 MW from Qatar.

“The contract is directly with the Gulf Interconnection Authority, which coordinates with Oman and Qatar on behalf of Kuwait,” stated Haitham Al-Ali, the electricity ministry’s acting undersecretary, at the signing event. These contracts will remain in effect from June 1 to August 31.

During the summer season, Kuwait’s population relies heavily on air conditioning, significantly increasing energy consumption in one of the world’s hottest climates.

The GCCIA manages a transmission system that connects the power grids of all six GCC member states, spanning from Oman to Kuwait.

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