Lhyfe’s Green Hydrogen Plant Fuels Deutsche Bahn’s Climate-Neutral Trains

Lhyfe, a global leader in renewable green hydrogen production based in France, has constructed and will operate a groundbreaking hydrogen production plant for Deutsche Bahn (DB) in Tübingen, Germany.

This marks Lhyfe’s inaugural installation in Germany, with the produced green hydrogen powering a climate-neutral train.

The electrolysis plant, located at DB Energie’s innovation hub in Tübingen, boasts an annual production capacity of up to 30 tons of renewable hydrogen (1 megawatt installed electrolysis capacity).

DB Energie is actively researching sustainable energy sources for rail transport and testing innovative technologies.

The hydrogen train fueled by Lhyfe’s plant is part of the “H2goesRail” project, a collaboration between Deutsche Bahn and Siemens Mobility.

This ambitious project aims to develop a revolutionary hydrogen system for rail transportation, encompassing a hydrogen train, a refueling station, and essential maintenance infrastructure.

The hydrogen-powered train is scheduled to commence operation this year, with a test route traversing Baden-Württemberg between Tübingen, Horb, and Pforzheim.

Lhyfe seeks to gain valuable experience from this project, particularly in managing complex systems involving hydrogen production, compression, storage, and refueling.

Lhyfe aims to leverage the insights gained from this project to develop a largely autonomous system for direct coupling of hydrogen production with refueling stations on a larger scale.

The company envisions supplying green hydrogen in bulk to customers in Germany and France by 2025.

Luc Graré, Head of Central and Eastern Europe at Lhyfe, highlighted the project’s significance in demonstrating the economic feasibility of hydrogen solutions in the transportation and mobility sector.

Lhyfe, which has been operating its first green hydrogen facility in France since 2021, is committed to becoming a major player in the mobility and industrial sectors.

With two additional sites opened in France in 2023 and a 10-megawatt plant under construction in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, Lhyfe is actively expanding its presence across Europe, contributing to the broader adoption of green hydrogen for sustainable transportation solutions.

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