Morocco’s Road Network Expansion: 750 km Constructed in 2023

Morocco continues to implement a master plan aimed at enhancing connectivity across its regions.

The World Bank recognizes its road network, spanning approximately 60,000 km, as one of the densest and most modern in Africa.

In 2023, Morocco constructed 750 km of roads, with a total investment of 3.2 billion dirhams (USD 321.2 million), according to the Ministry of Equipment and Water. These funds supported the construction of various projects, including expressway sections, highways, bridges, and technical installations.

These construction projects are part of a comprehensive program to develop Morocco’s road network, aiming to facilitate trade and improve access to rural areas.

By 2035, the government plans to upgrade 7,000 km of national roads, 2,000 km of expressways, and 45,000 km of rural roads, with an annual target of 2,000 km of renovated roads. The highway master plan envisions the construction of an additional 1,700 km, bringing the total length to 3,500 km by the target year.

Based on a 2020 study, data from the Ministry of Equipment indicates that approximately 62.7% of the national road network is in good condition, reflecting a 9.2% improvement compared to 2012.

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