Nicaragua Opens International Tender for Geothermal Drilling Project

The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Nicaragua has issued a call for international tenders from companies specializing in deep well drilling.

The project, titled “Deep well drilling in the geothermal area of the Cosigüina volcano,” seeks to harness the region’s geothermal energy potential.

Interested companies must submit their proposals by August 19, 2024. It’s important to note that only physical deliveries will be accepted, and proposals must be written in Spanish.

The geothermal area surrounding the Cosigüina volcano, known for its abundant energy resources, presents a valuable opportunity for renewable energy development in the country. This initiative aligns with the Ministry’s commitment to diversify Nicaragua’s energy mix and promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) previously announced a tender for pre-feasibility studies in the Cosigüina geothermal area in 2020. The Nicaraguan government had sought the IDB’s assistance in conducting pre-investment studies in Cosigüina and other geothermal zones.

For detailed information on the tendering rules and specific submission requirements, interested parties can visit the Ministry’s official website, contact them directly through established channels, or refer to the official document (link).

This international tender signifies a crucial step in Nicaragua’s journey towards a more sustainable and diversified energy landscape. By tapping into the geothermal resources of the Cosigüina volcano, the country can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Source: Nicaraguan Ministry of Energy and Mines via our Spanish language platform PiensaGeotermia

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