Queensland Govt. Invests $40M in Townsville’s First Local Renewable Energy Zone

The Queensland government has announced a $40 million investment to establish a Local Renewable Energy Zone (LREZ) in Townsville, transforming how renewable energy is harnessed and shared within the community.

The Townsville LREZ will integrate network-connected batteries, enabling the storage and distribution of excess energy generated by rooftop solar panels. This approach maximizes the utilization of renewable energy resources.

Households with solar panels can contribute their surplus energy to community batteries during periods of low demand, typically midday.

This stored energy is then made available to all LREZ network participants during peak evening hours, ensuring a reliable and affordable energy supply.

The LREZ model is designed to be inclusive, benefiting residents who cannot install rooftop solar, such as renters and those in social housing.

This democratizes access to clean, community-generated energy and reduces overall emissions.

Clare Silcock, Energy Strategist at Queensland Conservation Council, welcomed the announcement, highlighting the opportunity for communities to reduce emissions, achieve renewable energy targets, and save money.

Silcock emphasized the importance of extending the benefits of small-scale renewable energy to everyone, particularly low-income households. The LREZ model aligns with this goal by providing affordable access to clean energy for a wider range of residents.

Devett Kennedy, Lead Organiser of Queensland Community Alliance, commended the LREZ announcement, noting its potential to provide the benefits of solar energy to renters and others who have been excluded from solar access until now.

The Townsville LREZ pilot project is expected to deploy substantial energy storage capacity (up to 8.4MW/18.8MWh).

The success of this pilot could pave the way for the establishment of similar LREZs throughout Queensland, transforming the state’s energy landscape and offering more Queenslanders access to affordable, clean energy.

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