RWE Expands Italian Wind Power Portfolio with Mondonuovo Wind Farm

Following the successful start of construction on the San Severo wind farm in late 2023, RWE continues its renewable energy expansion in Italy with the Mondonuovo wind farm.

Located in the Apulia region of southeastern Italy, this new project will involve an average of 150 RWE employees and external experts during its construction phase.

The Mondonuovo Wind Farm will feature nine turbines, each with a capacity of 5.9 megawatts (MW), for a total capacity of 53 MW. The project is scheduled to be fully operational in 2025.

Katja Wünschel, CEO of RWE Renewables Europe & Australia, stated, “We are building two major onshore wind farms with 21 new generation turbines in Italy, a key market for us. After commissioning, Mondonuovo and San Severo will supply up to 110,000 homes with green electricity annually. These projects contribute to RWE’s ambitious goal of achieving net zero by 2040 and support Italy’s 2030 energy transition and security targets.”

The initial construction phase includes adjusting access roads and building crane erection areas. The team will then pour the 20-meter-high foundations and erect the towers. To transport the rotor blades efficiently, RWE utilizes special blade lifter technology, enabling navigation through tight spaces without the need for tree removal, a technique previously employed at the Selinus wind farm.

RWE, a global leader in renewables, takes an integrated approach to wind farm development, encompassing construction, operation, and marketing. With 15 onshore wind farms and an installed capacity of approximately 500 MW, RWE plays a key role in the Italian renewables market, currently supplying around 400,000 Italian households with green electricity annually.

The addition of the San Severo and Mondonuovo projects will enable RWE to supply over 500,000 Italian homes with green energy generated from onshore wind. Furthermore, RWE is actively expanding its renewable energy portfolio in Italy with the construction of its first photovoltaic plant in Sicily.

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