Sunrise Wind Gets Green Light for Construction: A Major Milestone for New York’s Offshore Wind Ambitions

Sunrise Wind, poised to be New York’s largest offshore wind project, has received the final regulatory nod required to advance its construction.

The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) has approved the project’s Construction and Operations Plan (COP), signaling a crucial step in the state’s renewable energy journey.

With a capacity of 924 megawatts (MW), Sunrise Wind is set to generate a substantial amount of clean energy, enough to power approximately 600,000 New York homes. This significant contribution to the state’s energy grid will play a pivotal role in achieving its ambitious mandate of generating 70% of electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

Sunrise Wind is not only a source of clean energy but also a catalyst for economic growth and job creation. The project is anticipated to generate 800 direct jobs in New York, with thousands more indirect jobs and economic benefits spanning from the Capital Region to Long Island. A notable investment of $700 million is earmarked for Suffolk County alone.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul expressed her enthusiasm for the project’s approval, highlighting New York’s leading role in the burgeoning offshore wind industry. She emphasized the importance of the Biden Administration’s support in advancing clean energy initiatives, contributing to a green economy, and creating well-paying jobs while combating the climate crisis.

David Hardy, Group EVP and CEO Americas at Ørsted, hailed the BOEM approval as a pivotal milestone for both New York and the broader U.S. energy sector. He underscored the project’s potential to create jobs, stimulate economic development, and deliver clean energy to New York.

Joe Nolan, Chairman, President, and CEO of Eversource Energy, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing Sunrise Wind’s role as a historic investment in the state’s future and its capacity to generate offshore wind energy at scale.

As part of their commitment to Sunrise Wind, Ørsted and Eversource are making substantial investments in New York’s offshore wind workforce and supply chain. This includes a significant $200 million supply chain award to Long Island-based Haugland Energy Group LLC, creating over 400 union jobs for the installation of the onshore transmission line.

Additionally, an $86 million supply chain contract with Riggs Distler & Company, Inc. is bringing construction and steel manufacturing work to companies in the Capital Region and Western New York, generating 230 family-sustaining jobs.

Sunrise Wind is also driving innovation by being the first offshore wind project in the U.S. to utilize high-voltage direct current transmission technology.

The project partners are investing in research partnerships, establishing operations and maintenance facilities, and finalizing agreements with NYSERDA on a 25-year Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificates (OREC) contract, further solidifying their commitment to the long-term success of Sunrise Wind and the advancement of offshore wind energy in the state.

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