Sweden Tops Global Ranking for Sustainable Transportation

Sweden has been recognized as the leading country in terms of transport system performance according to the latest report titled “The Mobility Performance at Glance: Country Dashboards 2022”. This report, comprised of databases and tools, assesses the performance of transport systems worldwide.

The ranking is based on four key axes defining sustainable mobility: universal access, efficiency, safety, and green mobility. This marks an improvement for Sweden, which previously held the third position in the 2020 ranking.

The achievement can be attributed to robust policies aimed at enhancing the well-being of the populace. Some notable policies include:

  1. Enhanced accessibility to quality transport infrastructure and rapid transit lines in both rural and urban areas. Sweden boasts comprehensive rapid transit lines, including rail, metro, and BRT, benefiting the entire urban population.
  2. High safety standards evidenced by a low number of fatal road traffic accidents compared to neighboring countries.justifier
  3. Emphasis on Green Mobility, as demonstrated by low levels of suspended particulate matter concentrations. Sweden is rated “A” for air pollution, placing it among the top-performing countries globally in green mobility, despite its relatively poor performance in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the significant contribution of transportation to greenhouse gas emissions, there is a pressing need to formulate policies and strategies aimed at accelerating the decarbonization of transport. It is evident that leveraging new technologies will play a crucial role in this energy transition.

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