Townsville Pioneers Queensland’s First Local Renewable Energy Zone (LREZ)

Townsville is set to become the first location in Queensland to host a Local Renewable Energy Zone (LREZ), a pioneering initiative aimed at transforming how renewable energy is generated, stored, and distributed within the community.

The Queensland government has allocated $40 million to fund this pilot project, with operations scheduled to commence in January 2025. This investment underscores the government’s commitment to fostering clean energy solutions.

The Townsville LREZ will empower households with rooftop solar systems to transfer their surplus energy generated during the day into community-based batteries.

This stored energy will be shared with other households during peak evening hours when solar production diminishes, ensuring a consistent and affordable energy supply.

The LREZ model allows more residents, including those who rent or reside in social housing, to benefit from clean, cost-effective energy, even without personal solar installations.

The project will deploy a substantial amount of battery storage (up to 8.4MW/18.8MWh), support additional solar PV (2.8MW), and incorporate demand management (0.9MW). It will also optimize existing customer assets like solar PV, batteries, and home energy management systems.

Mick de Brenni, Queensland’s Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs, emphasized the community-centric nature of the LREZ project. He highlighted its potential for affordable power, expanded access to solar benefits, and innovative network solutions.

The Townsville LREZ is one of two pilot projects, with the other located in Caloundra. These initiatives aim to drive clean energy business opportunities and job creation in the region.

Energy Queensland’s Chief Engineer, Peter Price, underscored the transformative potential of LREZs, suggesting they could triple the capacity for connecting residential rooftop solar to the grid. He emphasized the valuable insights these pilots will provide for creating a smarter, customer-focused electricity network.

Energy Queensland’s ongoing battery program complements the LREZ initiative. With approval for 18 more local network-connected batteries, funded by a $240 million budget, the program continues to expand upon its existing infrastructure.

As Townsville embarks on this innovative path, the LREZ project holds promise for both environmental and economic gains. It represents a significant stride towards Queensland’s renewable energy objectives and showcases the effectiveness of community-led clean energy solutions.

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