Adaptation refers to actions and measures taken to cope with the current or expected climate and its effects.
It is about processes, and practices that will moderate potential damage or enhance opportunities associated with climate change.
Although the effects of climate change are visible around the world with real impacts on our lives, it is surprising how little attention is paid to adaptation in climate finance.
According to the UN report on the adaptation gap, the adaptation finance can help to:
Reduce climate risks through nature-based solutions.
Reduce vulnerability by developing infrastructure and systems within institutions to ensure resilience
Reduce exposure to risk by considering how to develop early warning systems.
In emerging countries, the use of nature-based solutions is a key priority because of the associated benefits.
These regions are often rich in biodiversity and programmes to preserve nature, whether by protecting mangrove forests, improving soil quality or maintaining forest ecosystems, will help reduce the impact of flooding.
In addition to these nature-based solutions, some of the basic infrastructure and civil service needs are essential. The solutions also include the provision of effective transportation networks, the regularity of electricity supply and the ability to generate emergency power.
These are life-saving resilience measures that are not related to the size of the storm or the height of the floodwaters, but rather to the resilience of countries or regions affected by storms and climate-related problems.
However, these solutions lack adequate funding. The UNEP analysis reveals that East Asia and the Pacific, regions projected to face the harshest impacts of sea level rise and storms, have some of the greatest funding needs worldwide.
South Asia also faces significant challenges, particularly in low-lying coastal areas and communities heavily reliant on fisheries for their livelihoods.

Finally, it will be also important to take into account the evolution of national populations and how needs will actually emerge, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where needs are likely to grow over time.