Over 1 Billion People Worldwide Lack Access to Reliable Electricity

The World Bank has released a new report shedding light on the alarming extent of energy poverty worldwide.

Energy poverty, defined as the lack of adequate, reliable, and affordable energy for lighting, cooking, heating, and other essential daily activities, affects a staggering 1.18 billion people globally.

This figure represents a 60% increase compared to the 733 million people who lacked any electricity connection in 2020.

The World Bank’s research reveals that themajority of those experiencing energy poverty lack access to electricity altogether.

However, a significant portion, 447 million people, have electricity connections but do not utilize them due to various factors, including unreliability and high costs.

The report emphasizes that simply providing new electricity connections does not automatically guarantee improved livelihoods.

When electricity is unreliable, expensive, or inadequate, it fails to deliver meaningful benefits to people’s daily lives.

In light of this new data, achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all, becomes even more challenging.

The World Bank stresses the importance of accurate, consistent, and timely information on the locations and reasons behind energy deprivation in communities.

Energy poverty remains a significant barrier to economic development and improved quality of life for billions of people worldwide.

The World Bank’s report underscores the urgent need for targeted investments and policies to address this critical issue and ensure that everyone has access to the energy they need to thrive.

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